Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Unfair Godmother by Janette Rallison

Tansy's life has been less than perfect. Her parents got divorced, her dad left, her sister is the star in her mother's eyes, and Tansy feels like no one loves her. Constantly searching for love, Tansy finds love in some not so great people and after a run in with the law seems to have hit rock bottom. Tansy is visiting by Chrissy, a fairy godmother and can be granted three wishes. This seems like a pretty good deal to Tansy, but no one said fairy godmother's had to be fair... The story was cute. Stressful haha, but it was a really romantic story and I enjoyed the idea a lot. After I finished I realized there is another story by the same author called My fair Godmother. I'm not sure if this was the first book and it was a series or if it's a different book entirely. Regardless, I'm adding it to my reading list. I also can't figure out how to put spaces between my paragraphs with the new blogger so if anyone knows can you please let me know! I've bolded the summary to make it easier to read, but still, it'd be nice to know. :)

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