Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce

After Scarlett and Rosie were attacked by a Fenri (werewolf) and had their grandmother killed by the same one, they have made it their life mission to kill Fenri along with their family friend, Silas.  Scarlett, Rosie, and Silas move to the city where the Fenri population is higher in hopes of killing more than they do in the country, but they begin to each put life into perspective and reach the ultimate question.  Is hunting Fenri really all they want their life to be?

Another twist on a fairy tale.  I just love them!  Definitely not what you think of when you think of Red Riding Hood.  The modern time put the story in a different perspective and I enjoyed how there was not just one main character, but two sisters instead.  Jackson has done it again!  Absolutely perfect.  Just like Sweetly, I love this cover.  I have heard through other blogs that they came out with a new set of covers for these books; much plainer and with less color.  I definitely like these ones better.  There's always two things going on, you just have to look for them.  Sorry the pictures a little blurry.

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